A brick wall with the neon sign "You are what do you listen to" underlines that audio is becoming more and more important.
Things we love

Spotify - on it's way to be the world's leading AUDIO platform.


More than 200 million people around the globe use Spotify - me too. And I love it. Music at any time, anywhere and for a fair price. I just read this post from the CEO and Founder of Spotify Daniel Ek. And I would like to share it with you.

It is incredibly inspiring to read about the Spotify story, but even more about the opportunity audio might hold for Spotify in the future.
Podcasts are slowly getting more and more important because companies and brands have realised that their customers want stories. And stories have to be TOLD. We all love to LISTEN to stories. Also, voice-first is one of the most hyped trends for the next years.

So Spotify will no longer be a platform for music-only but for non-music content as well. They already made acquisitions to focus more on podcasts in the future. I am curious about the development regarding Spotify and their mission to be the world’s leading AUDIO platform.

Let's keep listening.

Bild © Unsplash photo created by Mohammad Metri (www.unsplash.com)